4 Top Causes of Severe Hair Loss in Men: The Last One May Surprise You

Feb 25, 2023

Hair loss in men is one of the most common complaints that affects appearance and confidence in daily life. It affects millions of men all around the globe. Although many only experience a bit of thinning at the top or sides, severe hair loss can also occur. The four top causes include some things you cannot do anything about, but the last one is completely under your control. You might be surprised to learn that something you do to look and feel better may backfire when it comes to your hair.

1 – Genetics and the Natural Aging Process

These common reasons for severe hair loss are undeniable and unavoidable. Male pattern baldness is passed down through the generations. It accelerates as you grow older due to shifts in natural hormones like testosterone. This results in weaker, thinner hair and less active follicles. Getting older does not have to mean severe hair loss, but those men who are genetically predisposed to this issue, it makes sense to check out your options for growth boosters and possible surgical intervention.

2 – Nutrition and Overall Health

Every body system needs proper nutrition to function optimally. The same goes for the scalp and hair follicles. If you do not get enough protein, you will not be able to produce strong, thick strands. Thinner, weaker ones will break more easily and make your scalp more visible. Other important vitamins and minerals include iron, zinc, biotin, and Vitamins A, C, D, and E. While eating a healthy diet and possible supplementation help, also watch risk factors like cardiovascular disease and blood sugar instabilities.

father and son hairloss

3 – Stress and Lifestyle Change

Any physical or emotional stress can change the way your body operates. It especially contributes to hair loss in men who are already predisposed to male pattern baldness. Stress releases a hormone called cortisol in your body. Cortisol and other factors can reduce follicle production and speed up the rate at which hair falls out. Lifestyle changes that increase stress or simply change things like your regular schedule or responsibilities can contribute to this problem. 

4 – Workout Supplements: Creatine, DHEA, and DHT

The fight against aging and the quest for a stronger, more attractive physique leads many men to take workout supplements. These boost muscle production and increase energy for better workouts or athletic success. While these are generally considered safe when used appropriately, some do affect hair loss in men. Does it make sense to build your muscles and lose a full head of hair at the same time?

Studies show that creatine is the least damaging when it comes to maintaining a full head of hair. DHEA is closely associated with a list of negative potential side effects including hair loss. DHT, however, is the worst offender. This testosterone booster actually comes with a warning against DHT baldness issues. They last far beyond when you take the supplement, too, and act to reduce the size of scalp hair follicles and shorten the growth cycle.

Combatting severe hair loss in men man involve changing your lifestyle to reduce stress and increasing nutrition and your vitamin regimen. However, avoiding workout supplement use is one of the most important factors when it comes to preventing male pattern or total baldness.

A green pin is pointing to the year 2025
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We can help!

If you’re experiencing hair loss and looking for a hair restoration solution that’s right for you—congratulations! You’ve come to the right place. HERO Hair Institute is the best hair restoration clinic in Colombia, providing proven permanent hair transplant techniques and non-surgical hair loss solutions.

With over 20 years of experience, HERO Hair Institute offers you the best quality procedures in a safe, relaxed and comfortable environment. Thousands of men and women have come to HERO Hair Institute for the answers to their hair loss and hair restoration questions.

a close up of a man 's bald head on a white background .
a close up of a man 's forehead with a white background .
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