What should I do to prevent and treat my baldness? Part III

Apr 12, 2022

We continue talking about the most frequently used treatments in the prevention and management of baldness. In the first and second part of this blog we talk about cosmeceutical and nutraceutical treatments, photobiostimulation and cellular biostimulation.

In this third installment we will continue with two other very useful treatments for the management of alopecia:

  1. Medication
  2. hair transplant


Although several medications to treat pattern hair loss have been developed, only a few of them have enough scientific studies to back up their benefits when treating this medical condition. 

  • Minoxidil: The topical solution of minoxidil is used to promote hair growth, which is diminished by the effect of DehydroTestosterone (DHT). This medicine works because it produces a vasodilation in the skin, which provides the hair follicles with higher amounts of oxygen and causes a longer lasting stage of active growth (Anagen Phase). Topical minoxidil is indicated for people between 18 years and 65 years of age; using it outside this age range will likely have side effects, mainly at the cardiovascular level. It is very important to apply the proper dose directly onto the scalp, not the hair itself. Its effects will be noticed after three or four months of continuous use. Initially, some patients may notice an increase in hair loss, but this is just temporary and it is not a side effect. Used with a medical treatment, minoxidil will keep preventing hair loss throughout lifetime. It should never be used during pregnancy because it can cause fetal malformations.

  • Finasteride: The FDA approves consuming daily finasteride to treat pattern hair loss. Although it effectively stops hair loss throughout the head, numerous studies show that it is much more effective stopping hair loss at the crown. The positive effects of the treatment are seen after 3 to 4 months. After one year of continuous use, the treatment will reach its maximum effect and after that, these effects will be simply sustained. If its use is stopped, the effects achieved will be completely lost after 6 months.

Food for healthy thick hair

1.8% of treated patients may have a transient decrease in their sexual desire. Their low sex drive will improve slowly and, in most patients, it goes back to normal after several months. After the first year of use, only 0.7% of patients still have a low libido. In a minimum percentage of patients, their libido could become nonexistent. En un mínimo porcentaje de los pacientes la disminución de la libido puede progresar hasta la impotenciaYet, no fertility problems have been seen in healthy patients.


It is one of the most common options when other alternatives have not worked, or when you want to recover hair that is already lost. It is a procedure that involves moving healthy hair (from areas like the back and sides of the head, which are not sensitive to DHT and therefore not affected by alopecia) to the bald areas. 

Transplanted hair will have the same characteristics it used to have when it belonged to the donor area. Therefore, it will have a normal growth for the rest of its life. Transplanted hair can also be hair dressed regularly and dyed.

If a patient undergoes a hair transplant procedure and does not boost it with medical management, or if the patient has an advanced degree of baldness at the time of transplantation, the patient will require several hair restoration procedures over time to obtain the best results. 

The oldest hair transplant technique is known as the strip technique or FUS (Follicular Units by Strip). It consists of removing a portion of scalp from the back of the head, about 12 a 30 cm x 1.5 cm, (5 to 12.5 inches x 0.6 inches) and dividing this tissue under optical magnification until obtaining micro grafts of one to four hairs that offer a completely natural appearance. This will cause a defined linear scar in the donor area, so a short haircut is not an option. In addition to this, recovery time and pain is greater with this technique. Those who don't want to shave the donor area and women (because they wear their hair longer than men), are ideal patients for this type of procedure. 

The FUE technique (Follicular Unit Excision) was developed to decrease the recovery time, and the sequelae of a visible scar around the donor area. It consists of randomly extracting follicular units throughout the donor area. This preserves a significant percentage of the original follicular units and leaves the donor area unaffected and aesthetically pleasing. 

\Within the FUE technique we have 2 options:

  1. Manual FUE: The advantage of the manual FUE is that it is cheaper. Yet, it is slower and it has a higher rate of damage for the follicular units removed. Besides this, due to to the amount of time needed for the procedure, the surgeon will naturally get exhausted, affecting the efficiency and quality of the grafts obtained. For many years it was the only FUE option available.
  2. Robotic FUE: In order to improve the negative aspects of the manual FUE technique, a group of surgeons, mechanical engineers, systems engineers, electronic engineers and robotic engineers, developed a machine capable of performing, by means of artificial intelligence, very fine movements in a precise, reliable, reproducible and efficient way. The procedure can be done thousand times without fatigue and with a much smaller margin of error. That's how, after 10 years of research, the robotic FUE* was created. This allows us to harvest a greater number of follicular units per hour, in addition to harvest them with excellent quality. Also, in most of the cases, the option of performing simultaneous harvesting and implanting which reduces the total time of the procedure, decreases the time that the grafts are out of the body and increases the survival of the same, and by so the results.

According to what we just analyzed in this summary, there are multiple treatment alternatives to improve hair condition and stop hair loss in pattern hair loss (PHL). Each patient must be individually examined to determine if their alopecia is pattern hair loss or other type of alopecia. This way, we will be able to offer you the best alternative treatment for your condition depending on your physical state, medical history and previous treatments.

HERO Hair Transplant Institute is a clinic that specializes in medical care and surgical restoration for alopecia. Therefore, it is the ideal place to receive comprehensive advice on hair health and on the most appropriate treatment for your case.

SECURITY POINT: Some professionals, offer procedures that consist of implanting synthetic fibers with the appearance of natural hair on the scalp. This method can lead to serious side effects, because there is a likelihood that the body will react to this foreign materials.It is advised to approach a duly certified doctor, who is trained and experienced in treating baldness, to avoid any danger. 

* The ARTAS robot, which is the first and only robot currently available for hair transplant surgery.

A green pin is pointing to the year 2025
28 Apr, 2024
You've likely seen the before and after pictures of hair transplants and wondered, how long do those results really last? If you're considering getting a hair transplant yourself, it's only natural to be curious about how long you can expect the transplanted hair to stick around. The answer is more complicated than you might think. While hair transplants are considered permanent, that doesn't mean the new hair will last forever. In this article, we'll give you the unfiltered truth about how long transplanted hair tends to survive, the factors that impact longevity, and what you can expect down the road if you take the plunge and get a hair transplant. We'll arm you with the facts you need to make an informed decision.
12 Apr, 2024
You've noticed your hairline creeping back for years now. What once was a nice, full set of hair has slowly thinned out, leaving you with a widening forehead and thinning spot up top. You've tried all the shampoos, supplements, and home remedies, but nothing seems to stop the inevitable march of male pattern baldness. Don't despair - with the right research, you can find an effective and affordable hair transplant solution, even overseas. Bogota , Colombia has emerged as a top destination for quality, low-cost hair restoration. Our clinic, Hero Institute, offers cutting-edge techniques performed by expert surgeons at a fraction of the cost back home. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to restore your hairline in 2024 through a life-changing hair transplant in Bogota.
A before and after picture of a man 's hair transplant.
15 Mar, 2024
Looking to restore your hairline or fill in those thinning patches? We understand – hair loss can really take a toll on your confidence. But here at Hero Hair Institute in Colombia, we believe that a hair transplant shouldn't have to break the bank. Our clinic offers top-notch treatment that rivals the big clinics, all at a fraction of the price. With our experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and affordable packages, now's your chance to achieve the lush locks you've been dreaming of. In this article, we'll walk you through the costs, break down the process step-by-step, and show you why Colombia is the ultimate destination for your hair transplant journey. Get ready to learn why you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for amazing results – it's time to take charge and make your hair goals a reality!
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15 Mar, 2024
In the realm of hair implants, HERO Institute stands tall as a beacon of excellence, pioneering advancements and setting the standard for professionalism and quality care. Nestled in the heart of Colombia, our institute has garnered a reputation as the premier destination for those seeking top-notch hair implant procedures.
29 Feb, 2024
You're starting to notice your hairline creeping back and those thin spots on your crown becoming more obvious. Don't stress. You're not alone. Hair loss affects most people at some point. If you're considering taking action, you've come to the right place. We've got the latest on what's happening in the hair transplant world for 2024. New technologies and techniques are making hair restoration easier and more affordable than ever. In this article, we'll fill you in on the innovative new methods surgeons are using to help patients restore their hairlines and get back their youthful locks. You'll learn about cutting-edge robotic systems, improved harvesting techniques, and other breakthroughs that are changing the game. We'll also give you tips on finding the right doctor for you and what to expect during the process so you can make the most informed decision. Get ready to say goodbye to balding and hello to your new 'do. The hair transplant landscape is changing quickly and we'll get you up to speed on all the exciting developments.
16 Feb, 2024
You've probably noticed those hair loss ads with the before and after pictures and thought, "I'll never have to worry about that." But hair loss can sneak up on you. One day you look in the mirror and realize your hairline is receding or your scalp is more visible. Next thing you know, your confidence takes a nosedive. You stop wanting to be in pictures or go out in public. It might sound vain, but hair loss can really do a number on your self-esteem and mental health. The good news is, you don't have to suffer in silence. Hair transplants are more advanced than ever, and this article will walk you through the psychological impact of hair loss and how modern treatments like transplants can restore not just your hair, but your self-confidence. Get ready to take control over your hair loss instead of letting it control you.

We can help!

If you’re experiencing hair loss and looking for a hair restoration solution that’s right for you—congratulations! You’ve come to the right place. HERO Hair Institute is the best hair restoration clinic in Colombia, providing proven permanent hair transplant techniques and non-surgical hair loss solutions.

With over 20 years of experience, HERO Hair Institute offers you the best quality procedures in a safe, relaxed and comfortable environment. Thousands of men and women have come to HERO Hair Institute for the answers to their hair loss and hair restoration questions.

a close up of a man 's bald head on a white background .
a close up of a man 's forehead with a white background .
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